Saturday, October 15, 2016


It is funny how more I procrastinate writing a post, how bored I become about that. Few days back I was thinking I will write about Abhimnyu. A story, a song, something. Now I just want to draw a chart showing who is Abhimanyu.

Subhadra, Krishna's sister is in love with Arjuna. But Balarama, the eldest does not want his sister to wed the destitute Arjuna. Instead he prefers Duryodhana. So Subhadra elopes with Arjuna.

And Abhimanyu is their child. When Pandavas go for Vanavasa, pregnant Subhadra stays back with her brothers.

One day Subhandra pesters Krishna to tell her some story. Krishna starts describing Mahabharat war. The way different vyuhas - army formation)?)  will be arranged by the armies. He starts telling about chakravyuha - the most difficult of all. And he also says the only way for an enemy to enter that formation. Subhadra is fast asleep. Then who is responding to his story. Krishna realizes that his nephew is listening with intense curiosity about chakravyuha. And Krishna stops the story. So Abhimanyu who is still in womb learnt how to enter the chakravyuha - but not how to come out of it.

And one fine day, the great war started. And kid Abhimanyu who is still sixteen, offers to enter the enemy vyuha and is unable to come out of it. Kauravas and Karna surround him and kill him.

He has a wife - Uttara who is carrying a child Parikshita. Parikshita will be the only surviving heir of Pandavas.

So Abhimanyu's story like so many other stories in Mahabharatha is exemplification of human cruelty.